Thursday, December 16, 2010

╰+ Four Happy Season Restaurant

say Goodmorning to everyoneeeee ((((:::::
the piglet micky dog or micky cat just wek up. 
the day before the nitez..
 i was so excited with the outing v my dearest
 his lovely frendsheng daissss+ game kakisss . 

I went for having dinner with my darling and his frends at this restaurant.
Heard it from my friends there was a pretty good restaurant.
My first impression when reached this restaurant, WOW!
It kinda huge and have 2 floors ~ xD

4 Happy Seasons Restaurant @ Wangsa Maju

Well, adapted from the shop name, 4 seasons, this shop interior had 4 types which is Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer which has a 5 star environment but with only 3 star foods pricing.
It really attracts my attention, sounded like a very interesting and awesome dining place.

Summer, Spring, Winter, and Autumn (=

 We Choose Winter season room .∧

we spent the time together in the winter season room with the air-con temperature around 15 degree celcius and using blue theme + blue light for the feels. 
Yeah ..I Got a Nice Feel =)

All guys are so cool and start freeze d ! HOHOHO ..
P/S : bring along ur jacket.. ^^ nYek Nyek 

One more thing, the toilet of the restaurant... HEHE

It's quite a hard task to find the toilet door on a confusing wall.... haha
funny laaa~XDD

The Foods here quite ok

i order Balinese Roasted Chicken Spaghetti with Lemongrass RM11.80 as my late dinner
dear's Mocha layered with Chocolate Syrup topped with Coffee Jelly RM6.80 not bad ~ thumb up up^^

feel free to visit their official website... xixi ^.^

Ambience 1 2 3 4 5
Food : 1 2 3 4 5
Service : 1 2 3 4 5
Accessible 1 2 3 4 5

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